1. Organizers

    The program is organized by Global Education Revolution Nigeria Limited, GER.
  2. Prizes

    • The overall winner will be given the total sum of $1,500 USD (one thousand five hundred US dollars). GER reserves the right to give this money in one installment or in monthly installments.
    • The first runner-up will be given the total sum of $500 USD (Five hundred US dollars).
    • The second runner-up (3rd position) will be given the total sum of $300 USD (three hundred US dollars).
    • The third runner-up (fourth position) to tenth position will each be given the total sum of $100 USD (one hundred USD only).
  3. Giving of Prize

    The prizes will either be transferred into the winners’ bank accounts or given via cheques which will be handed or mailed over to the winner(s). GER can choose to organise a prize-giving ceremony in which case the best 3 participants must be present to receive his prize. Whether a prize-giving ceremony is organised or not is at the sole discretion of GER.
  4. Eligibility

    To be eligible for this program, pay an entry fee of 10 USD

    By entering the program, you agree that you’re at least 18 years. If you’re less than 18 years, ensure that your parents/guardians/school are aware of your desire to enter into this competition and that they have read these terms and conditions.

    The program is open to everyone. Employees of GER and other companies/agencies/organisations associated with the promotion of this Contest, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and advertising and promotion agencies as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible. The Contest is subject to federal, provincial, and local laws and regulations.

  5. Agreement to Rules

    Participation in the program constitutes the entrant's full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of the official rules and the decisions of GER, which are final and binding. Winning a prize is contingent upon being compliant with the official rules and fulfilling all other requirements set forth herein.
  6. Contest Period

    Registration begins March, 2022 and ends as soon as we get a sizable number. We do not need a crowd.
  7. Prize Drawing

    On or about December, 15, 2021, an announcement will be made on our platforms. This announcement will capture the top scorers as we see them in the computerised scoresheet/spreadsheet. Nevertheless, for the purpose of suspense, we may not release these names in sequential order until we’re ready to announce the winner(s).

    Therefore, make sure your contact details are absolutely correct because if we are unable to contact any of the 20 potential winners within 5 days after the date of the first attempt, GER will select the next person on the result sheet in his/her place.