@extends('layouts.guest') @section('content')

CHECKOUT: Review Items Edit

@php $total = 0; @endphp @if ($result_items->total() == 0)
No item found in basket
Shop books
@endif @php $i = 0; @endphp @php $ids = []; @endphp @foreach ($result_items as $item) @php $book = json_encode($item->product); $book = json_decode($book); $total = $total + $book->price; @endphp @if (!empty($book->slug) && !in_array($book->slug,$ids)) @php $i++; @endphp
@endif @php array_push($ids, $book->slug); @endphp @endforeach
Your Sub-total

Sub-total: $@php echo number_format($total, 2) @endphp

Items: {{$i}}

TOTAL:$@php echo number_format($total, 2) @endphp
@php $array = array(array('metaname' => 'color', 'metavalue' => 'blue'), array('metaname' => 'size', 'metavalue' => 'big')); @endphp
@if($total > 0) @php $naira = $total * $one_dollar; @endphp
Pay with Paystack ₦
PAY ₦{{number_format($naira, 2)}}

Bank Transfer

Bank name:
Account name:
Global Education Revolution
Account number:
1 0 2 3 6 7 5 1 2 1

Transfer the above amount using USSD or mobile transfer into the account above. Then, send the following details to customer support:

  1. your username
  2. your account number from which the payment was made.
  3. your account name
  4. your bank
Pay with Flutter-Wave
{{ csrf_field() }}
--}} @endif