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Our History

In 2010, GER’s founder published his first book, The Lake of Blood. Although very well written, the book did not make it to limelight. Being an avid reader, he could not help being disappointed at the dwindling reading culture which has reached epic proportion.

Then in 2020, the idea to establish GER was conceived after his second novel, The Foreign Factor, was published by Extension Publications. GER was born out of the strong desire to get people to read books for the purpose of creating global sustainable development.

Quickly, a team of like-minds came together and established GER. We believe Jim Rohn when he said, “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” We believe that the world can be transformed if we awaken the slumbering global reading culture – for the ultimate good of humanity. This we hope to achieve by making reading more attractive than ever before.

Our unique reading competition, Global Reading Prize, is simply unparalleled. For the first time ever, readers who win this competition can be rewarded with thousands of dollars simply by reading and proving that they have read.



It has been said that if you want to hide important information from an African, you should put such information in writing. Many agree with this statement. However, a very careful observation backed by proven data shows that there is a decline in global reading culture. This is a dangerous sign for our world and most experts agree that something should be done quickly to salvage this situation – before it is too late.

Global Reading Prize is the perfect solution. This reading program is designed to foster personal growth inspired by knowledge. The company behind this initiative, Global Education Revolution, GER, is founded out of a deep-rooted desire to get people to acquire knowledge from books and transform such knowledge for self and global sustainable development.

We believe Jim Rohn when he said, “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” We believe that the world can be transformed to a great degree if we awaken the slumbering global reading culture – for the ultimate good of humanity.

The program is designed in such a way that no one participates and remains the same!

Duration and Benefits of the program

The 2021 edition will last for some three months. It will feature two powerful books that will transform your life (or that of your child) forever. It will also feature four unique online sessions with all participants as well as series of videos. This program will have almost magical impact in the life of every participant in the following areas:

  • Productivity
  • Purpose
  • Discipline
  • Personal finances
  • Relationship with others
  • Self-improvement

Cash prizes for the 10 best participants

The 10 best participants will be rewarded with cash prizes:

  • Grand winner: $1,500 USD plus an all-expense paid trip to Lakowe Lakes, one of Africa’s most glamorous and exotic resorts in Lagos.
  • First runner-up: 500 USD
  • Second runner-up: 300 USD.
  • Fourth to 10th position: $100 USD:

The selection process is absolutely transparent and flawless. The reality, though, is that everyone who enrols for this program is a winner!

Enrolment into the program closes October 10, 2021.

Timeline of the 2021 edition

  • October 10: Enrolment ends; GER holds a live, online meeting with all participants.
  • October 15: downloading of first book ends.
  • October 16: first capacity building training (live, online session).
  • November 16: reading of first book ends.
  • November 27: second capacity building training (live, online session).
  • November 28: third capacity building training (live, online session).
  • November 29 – December 10: reading of second book.
  • December 11: last training of participants.
  • December 12: computer Based Test.
  • December 15: official announcement/result release.
  • December 17-19: prize giving ceremony/hosting at Lakowe Lakes and Resorts